Member-only story
Driverless Cars Must Be Self-Aware, A Crucial Missing Ingredient
Dr. Lance Eliot, AI Insider
You are right now reading this sentence.
Your focus, presumably, involves seeing the letters on the page (or screen, if looking at this online), you can see that the letters are grouped together into words, and the words grouped into sentences, and sentences grouped into paragraphs. Your eyes are conveying the images of these characters to your brain. Your brain is analyzing the images and able somehow (we don’t yet know how) to turn these images into some kind of concepts, ideas, knowledge that it then combines with other concepts, ideas, knowledge, and ultimately makes sense of what this says.
Before I pointed out that you were reading the above words, were you aware that you were reading the words?
Probably not.
You were reading the words and doing so without having to think about the fact that you were reading the words. You were just reading the words. But, if I suddenly interrupted you and asked what you are doing, you would certainly have told me that you were reading the words. We’ll assume that at the time of reading the words that you actually were aware you were reading the words, since of course it could be that you weren’t aware of reading the words while actually reading them and only once I…