AI & Law: Productizing Legal Services By Astutely Leveraging AI

Lance Eliot
7 min readDec 8, 2022
Leveraging AI to transform legal services into legal advising products

by Dr. Lance B. Eliot

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Abstract: There is a lot of keen interest in productizing legal services (known by the acronym of PLS, or sometimes as PLW for productizing legal work). The impetus is relatively apparent, hoping to escape the legal services grind and shift instead into a product producing and selling mode (either partially or completely). The legal field is rife with productizing opportunities, especially now that AI is advancing sufficiently to aid in and able to bolster these productization aspirations.

Key briefing points about this article:

  • Productization of legal services is a hot trend (aka productization of legal work)
  • You take the labor of performing a legal service and shift this into a product
  • Most often cited examples include TurboTax, LegalZoom, DoNotPay, etc.
  • Trying to productize is not something you ought to blindly leap into
  • Handy tips and insights are provided herein, including…



Lance Eliot
Lance Eliot

Written by Lance Eliot

Dr. Lance B. Eliot is a renowned global expert on AI, successful startup founder, global CIO/CTO, , was a top exec at a major Venture Capital (VC) firm.