AI & Law: Principles Of Justice And AI

Lance Eliot
7 min readNov 12, 2020
Consider the seven core principles of justice and how AI in the law impacts them

by Dr. Lance B. Eliot

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Key briefing points about this article:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) will undoubtedly continue to be integrated into the practice of law
  • Some suggest this will undercut a semblance of justice, while others say it will bolster justice
  • A sensible place to start such a discussion involves defining justice (using key precepts)
  • AI legal reasoning systems can apply to each of the defined seven principles of justice
  • Ascertaining the ultimate outcome of applying AI will be up to how we choose to proceed


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is increasingly being immersed in the field of law. Some speak of the advent of so-called robo-lawyers and robo-judges. Depending upon the perspective of a particular pundit, the application of AI for legal reasoning is either going to be a boon for justice or will be the demise of justice. In short, a vital question being asked is whether the ongoing and futuristic…



Lance Eliot

Dr. Lance B. Eliot is a renowned global expert on AI, successful startup founder, global CIO/CTO, , was a top exec at a major Venture Capital (VC) firm.