AI & Law: Experimental Jurisprudence

Lance Eliot
6 min readSep 3, 2021
Rising interest in experimental jurisprudence will be furthered via AI

by Dr. Lance B. Eliot

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Key briefing points about this article:

  • A hot new trend in the law involves experimental jurisprudence or XJur
  • Few everyday lawyers have heard about it, nor was it likely covered in law school
  • The focus is somewhat askew of the wording since it entails studying laypersons
  • And it specifically entails studying the meaning of legal concepts (it is not mock juries)
  • AI is going to further enhance and bolster the emergence of experiment jurisprudence


Experimental jurisprudence.

It is up and coming. Some would say it is an especially hot topic and the latest and greatest thing since sliced bread.

I dare say that most day-to-day lawyers have likely not heard of experimental jurisprudence. Indeed, you might be surprised to know that it isn’t even what you likely assume or think it is.



Lance Eliot

Dr. Lance B. Eliot is a renowned global expert on AI, successful startup founder, global CIO/CTO, , was a top exec at a major Venture Capital (VC) firm.